(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 56,227
Average successful requests per day: 160
Successful requests for pages: 55,372
Average successful requests for pages per day: 158
Failed requests: 9,557
Redirected requests: 8,664
Distinct files requested: 801
Unwanted logfile entries: 48,651
Data transferred: 1.168 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 3.418 Mbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 200 requests for pages or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ----: -----: Jan 2007: 4374: 4323: Feb 2007: 6368: 6322: Mar 2007: 8331: 8039: Apr 2007: 6933: 6865: May 2007: 3335: 3322: Jun 2007: 6858: 6829: Jul 2007: 5826: 5642: Aug 2007: 2018: 1972: Sep 2007: 4292: 4257: Oct 2007: 4828: 4767: Nov 2007: 475: 465: Dec 2007: 2589: 2569:Busiest month: Mar 2007 (8,039 requests for pages).
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 100 requests for pages or part thereof.
week beg.: reqs: pages: ---------: ----: -----: 14/Jan/07: 1616: 1571: 21/Jan/07: 1862: 1856: 28/Jan/07: 1535: 1535: 4/Feb/07: 1660: 1652: 11/Feb/07: 1663: 1649: 18/Feb/07: 1599: 1585: 25/Feb/07: 1411: 1397: 4/Mar/07: 1506: 1432: 11/Mar/07: 2782: 2657: 18/Mar/07: 2004: 1921: 25/Mar/07: 1435: 1429: 1/Apr/07: 1738: 1723: 8/Apr/07: 1416: 1391: 15/Apr/07: 1700: 1688: 22/Apr/07: 1644: 1634: 29/Apr/07: 1476: 1462: 6/May/07: 1258: 1253: 13/May/07: 417: 417: 20/May/07: 599: 599: 27/May/07: 20: 20: 3/Jun/07: 0: 0: 10/Jun/07: 3406: 3398: 17/Jun/07: 1824: 1805: 24/Jun/07: 1628: 1626: 1/Jul/07: 1967: 1943: 8/Jul/07: 1693: 1664: 15/Jul/07: 2146: 2015: 22/Jul/07: 20: 20: 29/Jul/07: 0: 0: 5/Aug/07: 0: 0: 12/Aug/07: 0: 0: 19/Aug/07: 1117: 1077: 26/Aug/07: 1063: 1055: 2/Sep/07: 1135: 1120: 9/Sep/07: 992: 989: 16/Sep/07: 928: 922: 23/Sep/07: 876: 869: 30/Sep/07: 1397: 1360: 7/Oct/07: 1163: 1157: 14/Oct/07: 1045: 1037: 21/Oct/07: 886: 879: 28/Oct/07: 985: 970: 4/Nov/07: 26: 26: 11/Nov/07: 0: 0: 18/Nov/07: 0: 0: 25/Nov/07: 0: 0: 2/Dec/07: 0: 0: 9/Dec/07: 173: 169: 16/Dec/07: 924: 918: 23/Dec/07: 1480: 1470: 30/Dec/07: 12: 12:Busiest week: week beginning 10/Jun/07 (3,398 requests for pages).
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 200 requests for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: pages: ---: ----: -----: Sun: 7757: 7621: Mon: 8537: 8356: Tue: 8535: 8382: Wed: 7359: 7282: Thu: 7511: 7456: Fri: 8759: 8683: Sat: 7769: 7592:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 60 requests for pages or part thereof.
hr: reqs: pages: --: ----: -----: 0: 2228: 2203: 1: 2133: 2099: 2: 1981: 1925: 3: 2179: 2161: 4: 1905: 1896: 5: 2036: 1997: 6: 2127: 2069: 7: 2187: 2120: 8: 2403: 2334: 9: 2618: 2581: 10: 2746: 2715: 11: 2833: 2796: 12: 2569: 2506: 13: 2380: 2343: 14: 2377: 2339: 15: 2470: 2447: 16: 2374: 2341: 17: 2333: 2298: 18: 2130: 2099: 19: 2822: 2804: 20: 2645: 2620: 21: 2414: 2389: 22: 2289: 2256: 23: 2048: 2034:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: directory -----: ------: --------- 16058: 68.92%: /terryc/ 3170: 53.38%: /terryc/ancestors/ 4140: 8.53%: /terryc/links/ 2264: 5.88%: /terryc/remote-power/ 3401: 0.39%: /terryc/projects/ 749: 0.27%: /terryc/hardware/ 650: 0.05%: /terryc/images/ 70: 0.02%: /terryc/rechargeable-batteries/ 8027: 11.27%: /ba/ 3818: 9.22%: /ba/routes/ 1062: 0.54%: /ba/links/ 708: 0.26%: /ba/faq/ 6312: 7.82%: /woa/ 5052: 7.60%: /woa/printers/ 283: 0.08%: /woa/publish/ 6051: 3.96%: /linux/ 2569: 2.87%: /linux/how-tos/ 1257: 0.61%: /linux/lists/ 933: 0.18%: /linux/reports/ 72: 0.08%: /linux/howtos/ 1260: 3.37%: /weblog/ 3794: 1.16%: /campbelltown/ 1667: 0.63%: /campbelltown/reserves/ 825: 0.21%: /campbelltown/parks/ 231: 0.05%: /campbelltown/homesteads/ 2809: 0.95%: /webcam/ 2634: 0.62%: /maclug/ 2263: 0.53%: /maclug/meetings/ 2632: 0.58%: [root directory] 1142: 0.43%: /wendyd/ 741: 0.38%: /wendyd/cards/ 72: 0.01%: /wendyd/family/ 1307: 0.31%: /fsc/ 592: 0.12%: /fsc/images/ 204: 0.03%: /fsc/program/ 1639: 0.25%: /our-house/ 280: 0.12%: /our-house/lists/ 171: 0.01%: /our-house/frames/ 1408: 0.20%: /woacs/ 512: 0.04%: /woacs/hardware/ 173: 0.03%: /woacs/products/ 717: 0.12%: /policy/ 386: 0.03%: /macwire/ 20: 0.02%: http:// 31: : [not listed: 3 directories]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension -----: ------: --------- 801: 51.93%: .pdf [Adobe Portable Document Format] 30453: 26.71%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 24919: 21.27%: [directories] 54: 0.09%: [not listed: 12 extensions]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
size: reqs: %bytes: -----------: -----: ------: 0: 3257: : 1b- 10b: 0: : 11b- 100b: 0: : 101b- 1kb: 2051: 0.12%: 1kb- 10kb: 33299: 10.08%: 10kb-100kb: 16956: 38.47%: 100kb- 1Mb: 218: 9.57%: 1Mb- 10Mb: 446: 41.76%:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Listing status codes, sorted numerically.
reqs: status code -----: ----------- 54207: 200 OK 97: 206 Partial content 8664: 301 Document moved permanently 1923: 304 Not modified since last retrieval 8: 400 Bad request 2887: 403 Access forbidden 6648: 404 Document not found 10: 405 Method not allowed 2: 408 Request timeout 2: 501 Request type not supported
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)
Listing files with at least 10 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: last date: file ----: ------: ---------------: ---- 5051: 7.60%: 29/Dec/07 16:38: /woa/printers/ 3247: 7.94%: 29/Dec/07 18:18: /terryc/links/webcams.html 2618: 0.58%: 30/Dec/07 01:34: / 2247: 5.83%: 30/Dec/07 01:10: /terryc/remote-power/remote-power.html 2097: 1.08%: 30/Dec/07 03:21: /ba/ 1613: 1.86%: 22/Jul/07 01:22: /linux/how-tos/webcaminstall.html 1249: 6.39%: 29/Dec/07 11:05: /ba/routes/capricornia/ 1204: 0.36%: 29/Dec/07 04:00: /ba/routes/pacific/ 1204: 2.43%: 30/Dec/07 02:44: /ba/routes/cape-york/ 1062: 0.54%: 29/Dec/07 08:48: /ba/links/ 906: 0.09%: 29/Dec/07 00:02: /terryc/projects/frames/2002/billycart/billycart-wooden-index-f.html 903: 0.21%: 30/Dec/07 03:13: /terryc/ 716: 50.53%: 29/Dec/07 14:28: /terryc/ancestors/sussex-plus/matches.pdf 537: 0.10%: 29/Dec/07 19:28: /campbelltown/ 501: 0.13%: 30/Dec/07 01:58: /webcam/ 485: 0.09%: 29/Dec/07 11:20: /woacs/ 482: 0.10%: 29/Dec/07 07:50: /linux/ 472: 0.14%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /webcam/yardcam.html 471: 0.07%: 29/Dec/07 15:34: /terryc/projects/frames/2002/bicycle-bob/bicycle-bob-trailer-1-web-links-f.html 471: 0.06%: 29/Dec/07 18:06: /our-house/ 426: 0.37%: 29/Dec/07 16:05: /terryc/links/aquaculture.html 380: 0.04%: 29/Dec/07 04:58: /policy/ 371: 0.12%: 2/Nov/07 17:11: /maclug/meetings/ 371: 0.09%: 3/Nov/07 15:18: /maclug/ 368: 0.15%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /campbelltown/colour.html 342: 0.17%: 29/Dec/07 06:32: /ba/ba.html 339: 0.11%: 29/Dec/07 22:06: /fsc/ 335: 0.22%: 29/Dec/07 12:07: /terryc/ancestors/pedigreemud.html 310: 0.04%: 30/Dec/07 03:53: /weblog/ 294: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 21:21: /woacs/hardware/ 293: 0.05%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /woa/woapublishing.html 283: 0.17%: 28/Dec/07 19:47: /wendyd/cards/ce2000/ce2000.html 282: 0.13%: 29/Dec/07 09:33: /ba/faq/ 272: 0.97%: 28/Dec/07 19:44: /weblog/results.2006.html 267: 0.12%: 29/Dec/07 09:32: /our-house/lists/birds.html 265: 0.03%: 29/Dec/07 12:05: /woa/woadetail.html 264: 0.06%: 28/Dec/07 19:44: /linux/linux.html 264: 0.11%: 28/Dec/07 19:47: /terryc/hobbies.html 261: 0.10%: 28/Dec/07 21:18: /terryc/ancestors/pioneers.html 259: 0.11%: 30/Dec/07 01:06: /ba/faq/qanda.html 250: 0.08%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /terryc/ancestors/ancestors.html 248: 0.07%: 29/Dec/07 05:36: /webcam/sproutcam/ 244: 0.04%: 22/Jul/07 01:44: /linux/reports/backup/ 242: 0.62%: 21/Jul/07 20:50: /linux/how-tos/festorganisation.html 239: 0.08%: 28/Dec/07 19:52: /woa/publish/bluemtns.html 238: 0.04%: 29/Dec/07 20:32: /woacs/woacshome.html 236: 0.06%: 28/Dec/07 19:47: /webcam/tuxcam/ 234: 0.05%: 29/Dec/07 08:45: /terryc/terryc.html 230: 0.38%: 29/Dec/07 08:32: /terryc/ancestors/pedigreeexp.html 220: 0.01%: 28/Dec/07 19:49: /our-house/images-f.html 213: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:49: /terryc/interests.html 208: 0.10%: 28/Dec/07 19:53: /campbelltown/reserves/smiths-creek/smiths-creek.html 208: 0.07%: 21/Jul/07 08:00: /linux/lists/slugwireless.html 206: 0.07%: 28/Dec/07 23:26: /terryc/ancestors/ 205: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:47: /woa/woabicycle.html 204: 0.03%: 30/Dec/07 00:55: /fsc/program/ 204: 0.03%: 29/Dec/07 18:28: /campbelltown/parks/ 202: 0.15%: 28/Dec/07 19:51: /terryc/ancestors/collinsline.html 198: 0.04%: 29/Dec/07 08:24: /fsc/images/ 198: 0.04%: 20/Jul/07 19:11: /linux/lists/ 196: 0.03%: 21/Jul/07 12:06: /linux/reports/ 193: 0.02%: 29/Dec/07 01:52: /terryc/projects/frames/2002/bicycle-bob/bicycle-bob-trailer-1-index-f.html 193: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:44: /wendyd/ 191: 0.12%: 22/Jul/07 02:31: /linux/lists/bookkeeping.html 191: 0.09%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /campbelltown/reserves/fishers-ghost/fishers-ghost.html 190: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:47: /our-house/our-house.html 187: 0.01%: 21/Jul/07 15:19: /linux/webcaminstall.html 184: 0.04%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /webcam/sizzle.html 184: 0.04%: 29/Dec/07 23:57: /campbelltown/reserves/ 183: 0.17%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /terryc/ancestors/pedigree.html 182: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /terryc/hardware/ 181: 0.06%: 28/Dec/07 19:52: /wendyd/cards/rvrfst2k/rvrfst2k.html 180: 0.07%: 28/Dec/07 22:18: /terryc/ancestors/arrivals.html 179: 0.08%: 28/Dec/07 19:49: /terryc/ancestors/hulandsline.html 177: 0.04%: 22/Jul/07 03:29: /linux/how-tos/ 175: 0.10%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /campbelltown/reserves/darling-ave/darling-ave.html 174: 0.15%: 19/Jul/07 19:38: /linux/lists/packinglist.html 174: 0.01%: 28/Dec/07 19:50: /woacs/hardware/hardware.html 173: 0.09%: 28/Dec/07 23:14: /terryc/links/ 172: 0.09%: 28/Dec/07 19:49: /terryc/links/links.html 172: 0.05%: 28/Dec/07 19:44: /fsc/fsc.html 170: 0.06%: 28/Dec/07 19:49: /campbelltown/parks/figtree/figtree.html 167: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:52: /terryc/projects/list-of-projects-f.html 167: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:52: /ba/faq/howbig25.html 166: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:44: /campbelltown/campbelltown.html 165: 0.14%: 28/Dec/07 19:51: /terryc/hardware/surplus/ 163: 0.04%: 28/Dec/07 19:52: /webcam/tuxcam/tuxcam.html 162: 0.10%: 21/Jul/07 11:55: /linux/how-tos/usingnemesis.html 160: 0.01%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /terryc/projects/projects-f.html 157: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:52: /woacs/products/fileserver.html 156: 0.04%: 3/Nov/07 03:14: /woa/woahome.html 156: 0.05%: 28/Dec/07 19:52: /campbelltown/parks/pembroke-park/pembroke-park.html 155: : 28/Dec/07 19:52: /our-house/images-title-f.html 152: 0.01%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /our-house/list-of-images-f.html 151: 0.05%: 21/Jul/07 22:14: /linux/lists/linuxlinks.html 150: 0.09%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /campbelltown/reserves/macquarie-creek/macquarie-creek.html 150: 0.04%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /webcam/sproutcam/sproutcam.html 147: 0.04%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /campbelltown/parks/heritage/heritage.html 147: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /campbelltown/homesteads/ 145: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /campbelltown/parks/parks.html 143: 0.08%: 28/Dec/07 19:49: /wendyd/cards/ce2000/ce2000cards.html 140: 0.01%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /terryc/images/images-f.html 140: 0.06%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /terryc/hardware/sparc/ 140: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /terryc/hardware/seti/ 136: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:44: /webcam/webcam.html 136: 0.01%: 29/Dec/07 12:05: /wendyd/wendyd.html 133: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /campbelltown/reserves/reserves.html 133: 0.09%: 19/Jul/07 22:31: /linux/how-tos/orgphilosophy.html 132: 0.01%: 29/Dec/07 00:02: /terryc/projects/frames/2002/billycart/billycart-wooden-intro-f.html 130: 0.05%: 29/Dec/07 12:04: /terryc/ancestors/alphalist.html 129: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /campbelltown/reserves/stonequarry/stonequarry.html 128: 0.06%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /campbelltown/reserves/mundurama/mundurama.html 126: 0.03%: 3/Nov/07 03:47: /maclug/meetings/2002/meet2002-09-21.html 125: 0.05%: 28/Dec/07 19:44: /policy/woagst.html 123: 0.09%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /webcam/sproutcam/sproutapparatus.html 123: 0.11%: 21/Jul/07 11:54: /linux/how-tos/sortingmail.html 122: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /policy/wwwphilosophy.html 121: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /terryc/links/alternatefuels.html 120: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /campbelltown/reserves/haredale/haredale.html 120: 0.03%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /campbelltown/reserves/macquarie-road/macquarie-road.html 117: 0.06%: 2/Nov/07 18:29: /maclug/meetings/2002/meet2002-06-22.html 117: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:49: /campbelltown/reserves/lake-burrendah/lake-burrendah.html 116: 0.01%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /terryc/hardware/museum/ 116: 0.22%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /webcam/sproutcam/sproutdiary1.html 116: 0.06%: 20/Jul/07 11:03: /linux/how-tos/festphilosophy.html 115: 0.12%: 22/Jul/07 01:01: /linux/lists/surplushardware.html 115: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /fsc/images/nature/nature.html 114: 0.39%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /weblog/results.2004.html 114: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:44: /webcam/tuxcam/tuxcam003.html 113: : 28/Dec/07 19:52: /terryc/projects/projects-title-f.html 110: 0.01%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /terryc/images/list-of-images-f.html 108: 0.39%: 28/Dec/07 19:48: /weblog/results.2002.html 107: : 28/Dec/07 19:45: /terryc/images/images-title-f.html 106: 0.04%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /wendyd/cards/rvrfst2k/rvrfst2kcards.html 106: 0.01%: 29/Dec/07 02:03: /terryc/projects/frames/2002/welded-animals/welded-animals-index-f.html 103: 0.03%: 2/Nov/07 19:43: /maclug/meetings/2002/meet2002-08-17.html 101: 0.01%: 28/Dec/07 22:19: /terryc/ancestors/sussex-plus/ 101: 0.02%: 29/Dec/07 16:12: /webcam/woolpack.html 101: : 20/Jul/07 16:10: /linux/slugwireless.html 99: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:45: /fsc/images/work/work.html 98: 0.02%: 29/Dec/07 05:31: /webcam/tuxcam/tuxcam002.html 98: 0.35%: 28/Dec/07 19:50: /weblog/results.2001.html 97: : 21/Jul/07 16:13: /linux/bookkeeping.html 97: 0.01%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /our-house/frames/images/birds/oh-images-birds-index-f.html 97: 0.35%: 28/Dec/07 19:44: /weblog/results.2005.html 97: 0.01%: 29/Dec/07 02:01: /terryc/projects/frames/2002/bicycle-tail-light/bicycle-tail-light-index-f.html 96: 0.06%: 28/Dec/07 19:46: /terryc/ancestors/genelinks.html 94: 0.01%: 3/Nov/07 06:09: /maclug/meetings/2000/meet2000-12-16.html 94: 0.37%: 28/Dec/07 19:47: /weblog/results.2003.html 94: 0.02%: 28/Dec/07 19:51: /terryc/projects/frames/2002/bicycle-bob/bicycle-bob-trailer-1-intro-f.html 92: 0.01%: 21/Jul/07 12:20: 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