Well, these started like this; One night at Tech whilst learning to weld I was passing the scrap metal bins and a few pieces of scrap steel caught my eye. So I pulled a few different pieces out and my brain said "Hey, that would make a dog", but nothing happened for quite a while.
Later I was learning to Mig Weld and having time up my sleeve, I went out to the scrap bin, scrounged the bits I wanted, ground off the thick rust and proceeded to weld.
Thus was born the Dog.
Soon after the Pig was created. Note, most city people seem to think it is like an afghan dog, until they notice the curly tail. Country folk spot the curly tail straight away and know it is a pig.
In truth, you can be forgiven for making this mistake as the legs are just a tad long for a pig, but part of the exercise was to do minimal work on the steel.
Next was the Cow. Yes, I know it hasn't any ears which makes it a bit hard to guess. Funnily, country people always check for an udder. Unfortunately it hasn't got one. It is actually kind of androgynous. There just wasn't anything that resembled an udder in the scrap bin.
Lastly came the Giraffe. By this stage I was running short of pieces and imagination, but managed the giraffe. No comments from zoo keepers please.
Remember, these were just designed to be quickly constructed animals from stock scrap bits.
An no, I'm not about to tell you who taught me to weld. I agreed to keep mum, if he didn't critise my welding {:-).