This page was started to act as a focus for SLUG members who are interested in wireless LAN's. If you want to know what it is all about, check out the CLUG Wireless LAN Page.
You might also want to have a look at Andrew Macks's Secret Net http://www.secret
The purpose of this page is to register the interest of SLUG members who are interested in working on a similar project in Sydney, NSW, Australia. Their names, suburbs and email contacts are listed below so that people in proximity can make contact.
If you read the airnet stuff, you will realise that we are talking about a fairly close network - each station is at best 2Kms maximum range and best with line of sight. To summarise; bandwidth about 2Mbits/sec, range 2Kms max and cost $150+.
There is an alternative wireless network, but this is more costly and requires training. I'm not sure whether it also requires you to learn morse code or not. Yes, you need to be come a ham operator and have a packet radio setup. To summarise, bandwidth is modem speeds which is inversely proportional to distance, range is at least the megatropolis of Sydney and cost $2,000+.
When you send in your listing, please indicate whether you are interested in wireless lan , packet radio or both.
Suburb Who? Interests
Blaxland, Dean Hamstead,
Campbelltown, Terry Collins, wireless lan and packet radio.
Campbelltown, Michael Fox,
Condell Park, Andrew Macks,
Dundas, Rodney Haywood,
Ermington, John Dalton, free air optical communication
Glebe, Richard Lane,
Penrith, Daniel Finn,
St Ives, Richa rd Ames,
Stanmore, Simon Rumble,
Warrimoo Daron Barndon
As wireless lans and ham radio links are a continual topic amongst Linux people, I've decided to add some links to sources. These are not specifically Linux based, but general.
I would be interested in further links and "linux ness" of hardware and software, if you have some feedback.