Welcome to WOA Yardcam Page

This was my first fiddle with providing a webcam. If you want to know how I did it under Linux, then follow the link.

If this is your first time here, then you have probably missed last summer's (1999/2000 - southern hemisphere) live entertainment of Sizzle Cam. Yep, we dog-sat for January 2000. Sizzle has returned to her owner's mum and we have peace and quiet back. Bliss! Lovely dog, but I'm glad she has returned home.

So, right now the webcam is back to pointing at our lovely gum tree in the back yard. Of course, you will only see this during Eastern Australian daylight hours. At night, it tends to show a reflection off the window.

Bottom left is one of our orange trees (the valencia) which will have visible oranges in the right season which is June to December, but the kids start eating them in November, so they gradually disappear. Bottom right is the top of the folding, rotary clothes line. Above that is one of our casuarina trees (Allocasuarina cunninghami). Middle bottom is the top of a Jacaranda over the back fence. They sprout like weeds here and David has kept this one.

You may also spot the four gum trees over the back fence belonging to David, who is now living in "interesting times". His father lopped three of the gum trees, which continued to grow by suckering new trees on the high stumps. Unfortunately, these suckers are as big as young trees (about 5 metres) and do not have the roots in the ground to hold them and are now taking it in turn to peel off the main truck and fall to the ground on windy days..

You will just have to take my word that we have a nice range of birds visit our trees as the birds are just too small to show up on the tree.

2000-11-20 We are now keeping a bird list and will add some photos under Our-House.

Yep, the gum trees were part of the reason why we purchased this place seventeen years ago.

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