Web Server Statistics for [WOA]

Program started at Fri-05-Jan-2001 15:46.
Analysed requests from Sun-27-Feb-2000 06:50 to Sun-31-Dec-2000 03:46 (307.9 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to 05-Jan-2001 15:46).
Successful requests: 36,986 (97)
Average successful requests per day: 120 (13)
Successful requests for pages: 36,918 (97)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 119 (13)
Failed requests: 1,192 (4)
Redirected requests: 3,291 (9)
Distinct files requested: 8,718 (62)
Unwanted logfile entries: 21,015
Data transferred: 301.481 Mbytes (1.194 Mbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 0.979 Mbytes (174.697 kbytes)

Monthly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 250 requests for pages or part thereof.

   month: reqs: pages: 
--------: ----: -----: 
Feb 2000:   91:    91: +
Mar 2000: 1201:  1192: +++++
Apr 2000: 1780:  1780: ++++++++
May 2000: 4201:  4195: +++++++++++++++++
Jun 2000: 1601:  1578: +++++++
Jul 2000: 1847:  1847: ++++++++
Aug 2000: 4124:  4122: +++++++++++++++++
Sep 2000: 2416:  2409: ++++++++++
Oct 2000: 3396:  3393: ++++++++++++++
Nov 2000: 7731:  7725: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Dec 2000: 8598:  8586: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Busiest month: Dec 2000 (8,586 requests for pages).

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 150 requests for pages or part thereof.

week beg.: reqs: pages: 
---------: ----: -----: 
27/Feb/00:  162:   162: ++
 5/Mar/00:  215:   215: ++
12/Mar/00:  543:   543: ++++
19/Mar/00:  168:   168: ++
26/Mar/00:  230:   221: ++
 2/Apr/00:  698:   698: +++++
 9/Apr/00:  244:   244: ++
16/Apr/00:  495:   495: ++++
23/Apr/00:  207:   207: ++
30/Apr/00: 1926:  1926: +++++++++++++
 7/May/00: 1347:  1347: +++++++++
14/May/00:  333:   333: +++
21/May/00:  461:   461: ++++
28/May/00:  371:   364: +++
 4/Jun/00:  387:   386: +++
11/Jun/00:  428:   427: +++
18/Jun/00:  314:   294: ++
25/Jun/00:  395:   395: +++
 2/Jul/00:  565:   565: ++++
 9/Jul/00:  358:   358: +++
16/Jul/00:  275:   275: ++
23/Jul/00:  445:   445: +++
30/Jul/00:  584:   584: ++++
 6/Aug/00: 1065:  1063: ++++++++
13/Aug/00:  786:   786: ++++++
20/Aug/00:  520:   520: ++++
27/Aug/00: 1516:  1516: +++++++++++
 3/Sep/00:  798:   794: ++++++
10/Sep/00:  408:   408: +++
17/Sep/00:  692:   690: +++++
24/Sep/00:  325:   324: +++
 1/Oct/00:  597:   597: ++++
 8/Oct/00:  661:   660: +++++
15/Oct/00:  945:   945: +++++++
22/Oct/00:  794:   792: ++++++
29/Oct/00:  770:   770: ++++++
 5/Nov/00:  860:   858: ++++++
12/Nov/00:  535:   533: ++++
19/Nov/00: 1334:  1332: +++++++++
26/Nov/00: 4819:  4819: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3/Dec/00: 3943:  3937: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10/Dec/00: 1145:  1144: ++++++++
17/Dec/00: 1740:  1737: ++++++++++++
24/Dec/00: 1576:  1574: +++++++++++
31/Dec/00:    6:     6: +
Busiest week: week beginning 26/Nov/00 (4,819 requests for pages).

Daily Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 200 requests for pages or part thereof.

day: reqs: pages: 
---: ----: -----: 
Sun: 4433:  4426: +++++++++++++++++++++++
Mon: 4614:  4612: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
Tue: 9112:  9109: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Wed: 5532:  5523: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thu: 5795:  5778: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Fri: 3853:  3827: ++++++++++++++++++++
Sat: 3647:  3643: +++++++++++++++++++

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 60 requests for pages or part thereof.

hr: reqs: pages: 
--: ----: -----: 
 0: 1457:  1454: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1: 1276:  1275: ++++++++++++++++++++++
 2: 1324:  1322: +++++++++++++++++++++++
 3: 1102:  1100: +++++++++++++++++++
 4: 1057:  1046: ++++++++++++++++++
 5:  952:   932: ++++++++++++++++
 6: 1042:  1041: ++++++++++++++++++
 7: 1193:  1193: ++++++++++++++++++++
 8: 1446:  1444: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9: 1520:  1517: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
10: 1876:  1875: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11: 2449:  2448: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12: 2492:  2491: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13: 2296:  2296: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14: 2467:  2463: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
15: 2018:  2014: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16: 1297:  1294: ++++++++++++++++++++++
17: 1347:  1347: +++++++++++++++++++++++
18: 1369:  1368: +++++++++++++++++++++++
19: 1349:  1349: +++++++++++++++++++++++
20: 1278:  1277: ++++++++++++++++++++++
21: 1380:  1378: +++++++++++++++++++++++
22: 1409:  1405: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
23: 1590:  1589: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Listing directories with at least 0.01% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: directory
-----: ------: ---------
15689: 55.01%: /lists/
 5989: 16.06%: /linux/
 2621: 11.26%:   /linux/how-tos/
  986:  2.10%:   /linux/lists/
 1080:  0.83%:   /linux/reports/
   35:  0.12%:   /linux/howtos/
 1318:  6.10%: /ba/
  523:  5.21%:   /ba/routes/
  187:  0.27%:   /ba/faq/
  120:  0.23%:   /ba/links/
 1601:  5.61%: /woa/
  868:  5.09%:   /woa/printers/
   99:  0.11%:   /woa/publish/
 3052:  5.27%: /terryc/
 1215:  1.89%:   /terryc/resumes/
  773:  1.78%:   /terryc/ancestors/
  270:  0.75%:   /terryc/writings/
   89:  0.20%:   /terryc/links/
    4:  0.02%:   /terryc/trains/
  843:  3.07%: /surplus/
 2933:  2.25%: /webcam/
  857:  1.83%: /woacs/
  313:  1.25%:   /woacs/hardware/
  251:  0.39%:   /woacs/courses/
   57:  0.04%:   /woacs/products/
 2144:  1.69%: [root directory]
 1044:  1.25%: /campbelltown/
  455:  0.70%:   /campbelltown/reserves/
  258:  0.25%:   /campbelltown/parks/
   88:  0.08%:   /campbelltown/homesteads/
  493:  0.68%: /wendyd/
  309:  0.62%:   /wendyd/cards/
  138:  0.34%: /green-speak/
  337:  0.31%: /maclug/
  183:  0.17%:   /maclug/meetings/
  107:  0.16%: /auslug/
  141:  0.11%: /macgreens/
   50:  0.06%:   /macgreens/newsletters/
   30:  0.02%:   /macgreens/contacts/
   30:  0.02%:   /macgreens/links/
  134:  0.09%: /fsc/
   33:  0.06%: http://
   48:  0.04%: /seti/
   44:  0.03%: /our-house/
   34:  0.02%: /policy/
    7:       : [not listed: 1 directory]

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

 reqs: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ---------
28587: 53.34%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
 8330: 41.05%: [directories]
   30:  4.48%: [no extension]
    1:  1.10%: .gz   [Gzip compressed files]
   38:  0.03%: [not listed: 7 extensions]

File Size Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

       size:  reqs: %bytes: 
-----------: -----: ------: 
          0:  3202:       : 
   1b-  10b:     0:       : 
  11b- 100b:     5:       : 
 101b-  1kb:   411:  0.08%: 
  1kb- 10kb: 27859: 33.49%: 
 10kb-100kb:  4995: 32.53%: 
100kb-  1Mb:   509: 28.32%: 
  1Mb- 10Mb:     5:  5.58%: 

Status Code Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Listing status codes, sorted numerically.

 reqs: status code
-----: -----------
34019: 200 OK
  133: 206 Partial content
 3291: 301 Document moved permanently
 2834: 304 Not modified since last retrieval
    4: 400 Bad request
  142: 403 Access forbidden
 1035: 404 Document not found
    1: 405 Method not allowed
    7: 408 Request timeout
    3: 501 Request type not supported

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Weekly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Directory Report: File Type Report: File Size Report: Status Code Report: Request Report)

Listing files with at least 10 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

 reqs: %bytes:       last date: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
 2035:  1.62%: 30/Dec/00 20:45: /
 1714:  6.80%: 30/Dec/00 22:35: /linux/how-tos/webcaminstall.html
  983:  0.77%: 29/Dec/00 16:39: /webcam/tuxcam/tuxcam.html
  868:  5.09%: 30/Dec/00 04:36: /woa/printers/
  823:  2.98%: 31/Dec/00 03:46: /surplus/
  579:  0.43%: 30/Dec/00 03:11: /webcam/
  537:  0.46%: 28/Dec/00 20:36: /webcam/yardcam.html
  466:  0.56%: 30/Dec/00 22:35: /linux/webcaminstall.html
  341:  0.22%: 29/Dec/00 16:39: /webcam/webcam.html
  340:  3.26%: 28/Dec/00 20:57: /linux/how-tos/festorganisation.html
  339:  0.37%: 29/Dec/00 20:09: /linux/linux.html
  309:  0.66%: 31/Dec/00 03:34: /linux/lists/bookkeeping.html
  265:  0.09%: 27/Dec/00 16:47: /lists/slug/
  263:  0.18%: 29/Dec/00 14:07: /terryc/terryc.html
  260:  0.12%: 30/Dec/00 20:45: /woa/woadetail.html
  259:  0.13%: 30/Dec/00 09:16: /terryc/resumes/tcresume.html
  253:  0.20%: 30/Dec/00 16:58: /ba/ba.html
  240:  0.96%: 26/Dec/00 14:58: /woacs/hardware/
  235:  0.13%: 30/Dec/00 11:46: /linux/reports/backup/linuxbackup.html
  234:  0.18%: 30/Dec/00 17:29: /ba/
  219:  0.23%: 29/Dec/00 06:05: /linux/reports/backup/arkeia.html
  209:  0.23%: 30/Dec/00 06:15: /terryc/ancestors/ancestors.html
  197:  0.13%: 26/Dec/00 10:17: /woacs/woacshome.html
  194:  0.16%: 29/Dec/00 06:06: /linux/reports/backup/bru.html
  192:  0.11%: 23/Aug/00 02:04: /webcam/tuxcam.html
  183:  2.24%: 30/Dec/00 12:21: /ba/routes/cape-york/
  182:  0.18%: 29/Dec/00 06:07: /linux/reports/backup/novanet.html
  179:  0.16%: 28/Dec/00 13:59: /webcam/sizzle.html
  176:  0.53%: 29/Dec/00 20:56: /linux/how-tos/sortingmail.html
  174:  0.20%: 30/Dec/00 17:30: /ba/routes/pacific/
  167:  0.29%: 30/Dec/00 20:23: /linux/lists/slugwireless.html
  164:  0.27%: 30/Dec/00 08:59: /terryc/hobbies.html
  153:  0.13%: 25/Dec/00 09:11: /maclug/
  148:  1.06%: 26/Dec/00 00:49: /terryc/resumes/employment.html
  147:  0.03%: 24/Dec/00 03:21: /terryc/resumes/general-information.html
  143:  0.05%: 29/Dec/00 14:09: /wendyd/wendyd.html
  137:  0.03%: 24/Dec/00 03:17: /terryc/resumes/current-situation.html
  136:  0.31%: 30/Dec/00 22:58: /linux/how-tos/usingnemesis.html
  131:  0.10%: 28/Dec/00 10:49: /linux/how-tos/
  129:  0.15%: 23/Dec/00 23:17: /linux/
  126:  0.07%: 24/Dec/00 14:12: /linux/reports/backup/
  122:  0.29%: 28/Dec/00 20:16: /wendyd/cards/ce2000/ce2000.html
  120:  0.23%: 30/Dec/00 16:28: /ba/links/
  116:  0.18%: 29/Dec/00 14:46: /linux/lists/linuxlinks.html
  115:  0.05%: 24/Dec/00 17:19: /woa/woabicycle.html
  113:  0.20%: 25/Dec/00 15:10: /ba/faq/qanda.html
  113:  0.08%: 24/Dec/00 03:22: /terryc/resumes/general-skills-and-experience.html
  111:  2.55%: 30/Dec/00 12:40: /ba/routes/capricornia/
  111:  0.28%: 29/Dec/00 20:53: /woacs/courses/
  110:  0.06%: 30/Dec/00 06:51: /terryc/interests.html
  106:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 03:20: /terryc/resumes/formal-education.html
  106:  0.09%: 24/Dec/00 02:03: /woa/woahome.html
  103:  0.04%: 13/Nov/00 12:40: /philosophy.html
   98:  0.06%: 27/Dec/00 16:23: /lists/slug/2000/
   96:  0.08%: 25/Dec/00 09:08: /fsc/fsc.html
   94:  0.25%: 28/Dec/00 20:53: /terryc/resumes/contracts.html
   92:  0.06%: 23/Dec/00 23:27: /campbelltown/
   90:  0.06%: 29/Dec/00 14:06: /campbelltown/campbelltown.html
   86:  0.40%: 31/Dec/00 03:46: /linux/lists/surplushardware.html
   85:  0.29%: 28/Dec/00 20:49: /linux/lists/packinglist.html
   85:  0.05%: 24/Dec/00 00:21: /campbelltown/parks/parks.html
   84:  0.12%: 22/Dec/00 14:56: /terryc/ancestors/alphalist.html
   83:  0.04%: 30/Dec/00 03:26: /terryc/resumes/industry-courses.html
   82:  0.05%: 29/Dec/00 20:56: /terryc/terryc.emboss.html
   82:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 03:25: /terryc/resumes/other-interests-and-hobbies.html
   80:  0.30%: 22/Dec/00 14:56: /terryc/ancestors/pedigree.html
   77:  0.06%: 24/Dec/00 00:23: /campbelltown/reserves/reserves.html
   76:  0.05%: 28/Dec/00 12:13: /terryc/
   75:  0.10%: 24/Dec/00 01:16: /woa/publish/bluemtns.html
   74:  0.17%: 24/Dec/00 01:09: /linux/lists/distributedprojects.html
   74:  0.06%: 30/Dec/00 12:42: /linux/slugwireless.html
   74:  0.18%: 30/Dec/00 11:39: /linux/how-tos/orgphilosophy.html
   73:  0.15%: 27/Dec/00 13:46: /terryc/links/links.html
   73:  0.29%: 24/Dec/00 00:17: /woacs/hardware/hardware.html
   73:  0.44%: 28/Dec/00 20:55: /terryc/writings/auug-991002.html
   72:  0.16%: 28/Dec/00 20:20: /wendyd/cards/ce2000/ce2000cards.html
   69:  0.05%: 23/Dec/00 23:47: /linux/lists/
   69:  0.10%: 28/Dec/00 20:25: /campbelltown/parks/figtree/figtree.html
   69:  0.44%: 29/Dec/00 03:19: /terryc/ancestors/pedigreeexp.html
   67:  0.16%: 14/Dec/00 19:11: /terryc/ancestors/genelinks.html
   66:  0.16%: 22/Dec/00 14:56: /terryc/ancestors/pedigreemud.html
   65:  0.13%: 24/Dec/00 00:39: /campbelltown/reserves/smiths-creek/smiths-creek.html
   64:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 01:10: /linux/lists/donatetodispose.html
   64:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 00:04: /woa/woapublishing.html
   63:  0.08%: 29/Dec/00 20:09: /green-speak/green-speak.html
   62:  0.09%: 12/Nov/00 01:59: /auslug/
   61:  0.10%: 28/Dec/00 20:21: /campbelltown/colour.html
   61:  0.02%: 24/Dec/00 02:30: /lists/2600/
   60:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 02:55: /terryc/ancestors/
   59:  0.10%: 28/Dec/00 11:34: /lists/slug/slugfaq.html
   58:  0.10%: 24/Dec/00 01:44: /campbelltown/reserves/fishers-ghost/fishers-ghost.html
   57:  0.05%: 28/Nov/00 13:20: /linux/bookkeeping.html
   57:  0.09%: 10/Nov/00 14:14: /woa/woagst.html
   57:  0.09%: 22/Dec/00 14:57: /terryc/ancestors/hulandsline.html
   55:  0.05%: 24/Dec/00 03:42: /linux/orgphilosophy.html
   54:  0.06%: 24/Dec/00 01:39: /campbelltown/parks/pembroke-park/pembroke-park.html
   53:  0.15%: 20/Dec/00 10:05: /terryc/ancestors/collinsline.html
   53:  0.04%: 25/Dec/00 09:04: /lists/slug/1999/
   50:  0.10%: 23/Dec/00 23:45: /linux/how-tos/festphilosophy.html
   48:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 03:54: /seti/
   48:  0.03%: 24/Dec/00 00:49: /linux/reports/
   46:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 02:20: /terryc/writings/writings.html
   45:  0.02%: 22/Dec/00 14:51: /webcam/woolpack.html
   45:  0.07%: 10/Nov/00 00:40: /auslug/auslug.html
   45:  0.03%: 25/Dec/00 09:04: /lists/slug/1998/
   45:  0.11%: 24/Dec/00 03:44: /terryc/writings/amesex-910826.html
   44:  0.06%: 24/Dec/00 11:40: /maclug/meetings/meet2000-08-19.html
   44:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 01:57: /woacs/courses/hardware.html
   43:  0.03%: 28/Dec/00 15:01: /woacs/products/fileserver.html
   43:  0.02%: 27/Nov/00 22:47: /linux/reports/backup/backup.html
   43:  0.02%: 24/Dec/00 01:33: /ba/faq/howbig25.html
   41:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 11:38: /maclug/meetings/meet2000-10-21.html
   41:  0.01%: 28/Dec/00 20:31: /wendyd/
   40:  0.04%: 30/Jul/00 03:59: /lists/slug/1999/199906/msg00148.html
   39:  0.03%: 24/Dec/00 01:46: /campbelltown/reserves/lake-burrendah/lake-burrendah.html
   39:  0.03%: 23/Dec/00 23:25: /woacs/
   38:  0.02%: 27/Dec/00 06:06: /fsc/
   37:  0.04%: 24/Dec/00 03:39: /terryc/writings/chronicle-2k0217.html
   37:  0.03%: 24/Dec/00 00:22: /campbelltown/reserves/
   37:  0.05%: 28/Dec/00 20:31: /wendyd/cards/rvrfst2k/rvrfst2k.html
   37:  0.02%: 12/Dec/00 19:31: /lists/2600/2000/
   36:  0.03%: 24/Dec/00 02:19: /terryc/writings/
   35:  0.02%: 24/Dec/00 09:55: /maclug/meetings/
   35:  0.03%: 24/Dec/00 01:50: /campbelltown/reserves/macquarie-road/macquarie-road.html
   35:  0.03%: 24/Dec/00 10:30: /campbelltown/homesteads/
   35:  0.12%: 31/Dec/00 00:47: /linux/howtos/webcaminstall.html
   34:  0.08%: 28/Dec/00 20:31: /wendyd/cards/rvrfst2k/rvrfst2kcards.html
   34:  0.02%: 28/Dec/00 20:25: /campbelltown/parks/
   34:  0.02%: 29/Dec/00 20:54: /woacs/courses/filesys.html
   33:  0.02%:  5/Dec/00 12:39: /linux/reports/reports.html
   33:  0.02%: 24/Dec/00 02:00: /woacs/courses/networks.html
   33:  0.07%: 24/Dec/00 01:55: /campbelltown/reserves/mundurama/mundurama.html
   33:  2.05%: 28/Dec/00 22:19: /lists/slug/1999/199911/
   32:  0.09%: 28/Nov/00 08:53: /linux/sortingmail.html
   32:  0.09%: 24/Dec/00 03:43: /terryc/writings/amemember-910921.html
   32:  1.42%:  6/Dec/00 21:18: /lists/slug/1999/199901/
   31:  1.49%:  6/Dec/00 22:35: /lists/slug/2000/200004/
   31:  0.03%: 24/Dec/00 12:10: /campbelltown/homesteads/epping-forest/epping-forest.html
   31:  0.08%: 28/Nov/00 07:49: /campbelltown/reserves/darling-road/darling-road.html
   31:  0.05%: 24/Dec/00 00:11: /ba/faq/
   30:  0.01%: 30/Dec/00 07:11: /lists/
   29:  0.02%: 24/Dec/00 01:59: /woacs/courses/guis.html
   28:  0.02%: 29/Dec/00 18:55: /wendyd/cards/
   26:  0.06%: 24/Dec/00 01:49: /campbelltown/reserves/macquarie-creek/macquarie-creek.html
   25:  0.02%: 24/Dec/00 10:14: /macgreens/
   25:  1.34%: 27/Dec/00 16:23: /lists/slug/2000/200001/
   25:  0.15%:  6/Dec/00 21:33: /lists/slug/1998/199801/
   24:  0.02%: 29/Jul/00 04:29: /lists/slug/1999/199904/msg00100.html
   24:  0.24%: 29/Nov/00 22:41: /linux/festorganisation.html
   24:  0.03%: 23/Dec/00 23:35: /green-speak/
   23:  0.07%:  3/Dec/00 20:24: /linux/packinglist.html
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14714: 35.65%: 31/Dec/00 01:14: [not listed: 8,496 files]

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