Terry's Linux Links Page
This is where I get to share all the Linux links that I find interesting and useful.
- AARNET, go here first for Australian mirrors - fastest downloads.
- AUUG - Australian Unix Users Group
- Caldera Open Linux, a linux distribution.
- Cetus Tech, an Australian Linux retailer.
- Debian Linux, a linux distribution.
- Ken Yap's Etherboot Information , hosted on SLUG pages
- Ken Yap's Uses for Old Hardware Page.
- Everything Linux, an Australian Linux retailer.
- Freshmeat , the latest linux software and some news.
- Humorix, linux humour.
- Informagic, a distribution.
- Kernel Notes, the latest Linux kernels.
- Page for generating randon Keys.
- Linux Australia
- Linux Apps, good for Linux Software.
- LinuxCare Australia, commercial third level linux support.
- Linux Center (English) , good for Linux Software.
- Linux.Com, linux news, etc.
- Linux Documentation Project, the source for FAQ's, HOWTO's, etc.
- Linux Help Australia, commercial first level+ linux support.
- Linux Gazette, an online linux magazine.
- Linux Journal, 2000/11/29 - unfortunately this page is unreliable.
- Linux Kernel Archives, the latest Linux kernels.
- Linux Net News
- Linux Newbie, a source of linux information for linux newbies - HOW DO YOU DO IT!
- Linux Today, a linux news site.
- Linux Weekly News - Daily, the latest linux news.
- Linux World, a linux news site, with useless product reviews. Save your download for another site..
- Redhat Linux
- Linux Resources Page, run by Linux Journal
- SAGE-AU, System Administrators Guild of Australia.
- SearchLinux, your personal linux helpdesk.
- Segfault.Org, linux humour.
- Slackware>, a linux distribution.
- Slashdot, an unreliable linux news site.
- SLUG - Sydney Linux Users Group>
- SLUG List archives at WOA.>
- Suse Linux>
- Linux Terminal Server Project>
- Turbolinux>
- UserFriendly.Org, linux comic strip.
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