Welcome to Terry Collins's
Linux InstallFest
Organisers Packing List
This page came about as everytime SLUG has an InstallFest, I sit down with pencil and paper
and make yet another list of gear/stuff that we are going to need. Apart from being a good
memmory workout (which also helps keep you from senility), it is largely a waste of time
as after each event, the old list gets filed into a 'safe place'.
Now, the use of the phrase 'safe place' should send shivers down your spine as any
one who has done this will know it really means that you put it somewhere and immediately
forget where. So this time I thought I would see if putting on my WWW pages made it any easier
to find in future.
Why do I end up bringing all this stuff to a SLUG installfest? Well, it is sitting
in my storage doing zilch and using it there justifies keeping it {:-). In truth I
like fiddling with old hardware and I just happened to have it and have a long wheel
based van to cart it over each time.
You are welcome to use this information in the spirit of the GPL.
Please let me know how useful you find it and any additions.
The list is actually more than I now take, but it includes everything you need to think about
(well - that is the idea).
Copyright is retained by myself.
- These have to be collected by someone - most important - the funniest sight is to see someone who had this job, but forget drive in - go OH! - and drive out - happens.
- A sense of humour - things will go wrong - the world will not end, so laugh and keep going.
Power Stuff
- power extension cords - major (long heavy ones to reach major points).
- power extension cords - minor (short ones for going a few feet).
- double adapters - splitting power supplies (I prefer douuble adapter heads on short cords).
- power boards - both home made and cheap commercial (hpm, kambrook, etc).
- IEC power cords for hubs, splitters, repeaters, etc.
- spare IEC power cords for donkeys that forget them (which we all do from time to time {:-).
- N.B. All gear should be marked with your company or initials.
Networking Stuff
- Thick ethernet spine & extensions ( Yes, we have one and until the vampire tap in the middle gives out we use it for fun).long heavy ones to reach major points).
- Thick ethernet inline taps )these screen onto the spine like and extensionw).
- AUI fan out hub.
- AUI extension cables - one per device.
- Thin net/BNC hub.
- Thin net cable for thinnet spines (I strongly recommend multiple thinnet segments).
- Thin net cables for donkeys who forget theirs (perhaps if it is not in, your not on could be the slogan {:-).
- Thin net terminators and T pieces (lots).
- UTP hubs.
- UTP cables - long
- Conduit to run UTP through in traffic areas (at least tape it down.
- UTP cables - short (for donkeys who forget theirs - ditto above).
- UTP cross over cables (for cascading/linking hubs).
- N.B. All gear should be marked with your company or initials.
- Network IP sticker - you get your IP number by obtaining a sticker and are required to set your IP to that number for the day ( issued at front desk or by network crew.
Tables and Chairs
- The school canteen we hire comes with some tables and chairs, but any extra ones doesn't hurt.
- I usually throw in a thick plywood slab and use eight nally crates for the four legs.
- This is a major hassle if you have to supply your own.
- One person needs to sort out hall and table layout pronto, then direct all your willing workers to get them setup.
- Expect to have to set up tables and chairs if you want an economical hall hire.
- And - you will need to pack them all away again at the end before you sweep the floor.
- From the outside, you need clear signs to tell people where to go and for parking, etc.
- Front door disclaimer - we have an care take, but no responsibility accepted sign.
- Entry Fee - currently $5 (Aust) for SLUG's.
- We also state that their entry fee helps cover expenses for the day and no guarantee is implied.
- Have you backed up - we emphaise it is their responsibility and strongly recommended.
- Today's activities - What & Where, Talks Program, other activites.
- Leave your gear in your car until it is needed - we don't have that much space or tables that people can come in and leave their gear set up all day.
- Help Wanted & Offered - we have a board where people can write up other problems they have and people can offer their expertise.
- Sign board - I am lucky to have a tall, narrow piece of canite on ply that acts as a front door sign holder.
- Thumb tacks, staples, tape and sissors for putting signs up and think about how you are going to remove them at day's end.
Front Desk
- Hand stamp & pad - we stamp everyone who pays with a rubber stamp - smilie, koala, bicycle, whatever.
- Door prize tickets - one for everyone who pays - also the only way we get numbers attending.
- Name Tag stickers & pens/markers to write them out - everyone writes their own - have samples on show.
- Volunteer name tags - when we know people are coming along to assist - we usually make up more substantial pin on name tags - but collect at end of day.
- Cash tin & float - a handy place to hold the money and keep notes under control helps peace of mind.
- Installation Ticket - people who want an installation are given a ticket and advised to listen for their number to be called.
- Installation details form - people fill this in for the intallers to assign appropriately skilled people.
- Pens/biros to fill in installation forms
- Table for forms to be filled in or a clip board for people to write on.
- Network IP numbers - you get your IP number by obtaining a sticker and are required to set your IP to that number for the day (
- Noticeboard for all the other notices - time table - Netwrok Server IP, etc - Yep, you always need one.
- Board/clipboard to hold installations to be performed.
- Number of installations performed signed - yes, highly recommended so people know how many they are doing.power extension cords - minor (short ones for going a few feet).
- Pad & pen/pencil - there is usually some reason you need it - someone always want to write something down for someone.
- Installations floppies & CD's - it has to come from somewhere.
- Network cards - we have never really looked at this - but it beats trying to get some old CDs recognised under linux.power boards - both home made and cheap commercial (hpm, kambrook, etc).
- Network server - ftp/nfs/? - we always mean to get this set up well before, but usually dont.
Talks & Presentations
- White board, white board pens and white board eraser.
- Flipboard, butchers/white paper and marker pens.
- Stand for above presentation boards.
- The above two are the most reliable technology and anyone can work them and they are less prone to breakdown.
- Amplifier - we have talked about it, but not used it. Only use if it will not add to background noise - i.e. do not try to drown out the general hub bub as all that will happen is noise escalation.
- Pad and pen/pencil - someone always wants to write notes to someone about something.
- N.B. All gear should be marked with your company or initials.
Cuppa Stuff
- Urn/boiling water source.
- Tea - teabags (a couple of different brands do not hurt), but I like to smuggle my own pot and use real tea for when I finally manage a cuppa {:-).
- Coffee - best to dole out in small lots - top up small jar to avoid people using the one teaspoon for everything (some people can not get past their own interests).
- Sugar - again best to issue in small lots and top up regularly as it quickly gets grotted.
- Tea spoons for people to get coffee and sugar with. You can wash and reuse plastic ones to cut costs..
- Stirrers - useful if you can get them for the correct price {:-).
- Cups - unless you have access to a large stock and are prepared to wash them up, the awful polystrene cup is the way to go.
- Wash up stuff for teaspoons, real cups, etc.
- Milk, Esky and Ice - buy on morning, fill old milk cartons with water and freeze a few days before for cheap, convienient to fit ice blocks.
- Herbal teas - peppermint, raspberry, or similar would appeal to other people who don't like tea or coffee.
- Kitchen clean up stuff - you are going to need it.
- Slops bucket - there will always be half mugs to be ditched, etc.
- Rubbish bin - old tea bags, etc.
- Biscuits/nibbles/etc - It is surprising what people will donate to this.
- Cash tin - if you sell tea/coffee - but I always find it easiest just to add $1(or $2) to the entry fee and avoid the hassle.
Toilets & Clean Up Stuff
- Toilet Paper - bloody good idea just in case it runs out in the loo.
- Soap for Loo - often missing, but people like it.
- Garbage bags - good strong ones -to empty the rubbish bins and take your rubbish away (highly recommended for coming back to cheap halls).
- Kitchen clean up stuff - we get the use of the canteen, but only use it for storage and staff, but we make sure we leave it spotless.
- Tea towels/dish clother to dry any thing you use in the hall.
- Brooms for hall - again - if you want an economical hall hire, expect to sweep up afterwards.
- Signs - don't forget to take down all signs you put up.
Lock Up & Keys
- Final inspection - very good idea to have both technical and domestically trained people do a final inspection of everything.
- This avoids forgotten stuff and clean up duties not done properly (hint - signs and rubbish left behind).
- Finally, someone has to return the keys
Drink & Relax
- You crew has worked hard for the day and it has been a success, so try to adjorn for a final wind down.
- Find out the location of local, nice, drinking holes and restaurants and let the crew decide.
- Some people will need to go home, but other enjoy this final celebration and wind down.