This will be a page where I list some of the interesting computers that I have used
and/or retaied over the years.
There is nothing here at present, except a list. Pictures for some will come later.
Portapak; A CPM2.2 luggable, twin 784K floppy drives, SIO, PIO, S-bus, 300baud modem, head set.
IMS; CPM2.2 with 8" floppies and 10MB 8" hard disk; weighed a ton.
Ibex 7000 (7205? & 7001). Two machines, the 8" has twin floppies in expansion case. The 5" has twin drives in the same case as the monitor. New home(s) wanted.
IBM JX; not quite classic, except as a dud produced for the Australian & Japanese market. No keyboard. New home wanted.My Hobbies